Owl Publishing is operated by Tikam Publishing Inc. We are a small company which prides itself on publishing legal works that work.
We are proud to lead in distinctive legal works that reflect, not only authorial legal office and legal teaching experience, but also professional pedagogical expertise in the training of college students who aspire to become law clerks, legal assistants, legal administrative assistants, or paralegals.
We are known for our innovation and creativity in continually bringing you first-class firsts:
Our highly respected Legal Office Procedures textbook/manual, together with our hands-on Legal Office Simulations workbook, has become the proud staple of the legal classroom and the high standard against which other publications in the field are measured. As well, our Legal Office Procedures textbook/manual proudly serves as a handy reference manual to lawyers, articling students, legal graduates, and other legal support staff in law firms across Ontario and Canada.
We are the publishers of the first ever Canadian audio transcription titles – Legal Office Transcription CD (.WAV files) and Legal Office Transcription Tapes. Within these titles, we also bring you the first ever exclusive, cameo dictation by two of the most distinguished justices of the Canadian bench. Justice John A. Scollin of the Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench and Justice Thomas G. Zuber of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice captivate the student by their arresting wit and whimsy on issues of interest to the legal novice.
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We are a proudly small, conscientious publisher committed to bringing you legal titles of the highest quality at the lowest prices. You will always know us by our first-class legal works, our unmatched instructor support, our unbeatably low prices, and our prompt and caring service.